"Truth to Power in the Middle Ages," Spring 24 Film Series
Carl Theodor Dreyer’s Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) is a unique film that makes for an intense viewing experience. For its main actor, Maria Falconetti, it was her first and final film appearance. After viewing the film, and Falconetti’s powerful performance, you’ll see why this would have been so. (For instance, she did her own stunts, including scenes of painful torture.)
The film was banned and censored by governmental and church authorities for many decades. In 1981, an original version was discovered in Oslo, Norway, quite by accident: in a custodians’ closet in Dikemark Hospital. This re-discovered version was the basis for the restored work, published by Criterion in 1994. The restored version’s soundtrack, Voices of Light (composed by Richard Einhorn), has developed its own cult following.
Come early, at 6:15 — you’ll learn (and play) some simple medieval board games!
Before playing Hnefatafl….
…after playing Hnefatafl.